Biography |
![]() ![]() ![]() (以下內容轉錄自2007年我撰寫於系上電子報的自我介紹)
05年畢業之後,到賓州大學(University of Pennsylvania)材料系和電機系做了兩年的博士後研究。賓大座落在費城市中心旁,直接間接的促成我在費城市中心最繁華的區落腳,也因此體會了美國大都會人的生活方式,個人結論:還是鄉下好。決定跨身材料工程,這個對自己專業素養的非傳統規劃是源自個人的理念:機器人下一代的整合,將從目前電機資訊機械外,再加上材料。若仿生,則再加上生物。想說就試試看吧!反正若已知對錯,就不叫研究。其中主要在進行一些高分子有機材料的物理及機械性質調控,試圖在從材料層次探討仿生的同時,仍不背離原本習慣從系統和控制角度切入問題的思考模式。部分的時間則在電機系內遊走,在機器人學界還稍有名氣的GRASP Lab(The General Robotics, Automation, Sensing and Perception Lab)進行爬牆機器人的研究,想瞭解一個具有13位教授和約50位博班生的所組成的團隊如何進行研究,結論:一群有腦袋的人一起做,真的很重要,是具競爭力的關鍵。
2007年 秋 於台北 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (The old version of my biography written in English.) I was born in Taipei, Taiwan, a small but energetic country. It's a long story to talk about my education... I have attended Taipei Municipal Tien-Mu Elementary School (天母國小) for 6 years, Taipei Municipal Lan-Ya Junior High School (蘭雅國中) for 3 years, and Taipei Municipal Chien-Kuo high School (建國中學) for 3 years; then I studied at National Taiwan University (台灣大學) and received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering in 1996 and 1998, respectively; followed by two-year obligatory military service in Peng Hu, a group of small and beautiful islands next to Taiwan. In 2000, I went to the USA for advanced education. I received an M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA in 2005. At there I worked with Professor Daniel E. Koditschek in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Professor R. Brent Gillespie in the Department of Mechanical Engineering on the problems of legged robot locomotion in Kodlab, one of the labs in AI lab. (Now Kodlab is relocated to The University of Pennsylvania.) After that, I worked as a postdoctoral research fellow with Professor Shu Yang in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Professor Daniel E. Koditschek in the Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering at The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. The idea of involving myself in this interdisciplinary work is to explore the opportunity of introducing material science technology back to the robotics society where my original expertise resides. I moved back to Taiwan in 2007 summer, and since then, I have worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. Besides my academic life ("robotics" life), I love to travel (especially backpacking) and enjoy music (usually classical). I put over a thousand photos taken during my trips on this website; I hope you will like it. As for classical music, I love Bach most (especially suites for unaccompanied cello & Goldberg Variations). 2004 summer, in Ann Arbor |